Exodus Login | How do I log out of Exodus?

Exodus may have updated its user interface or introduced new features since my last update. If you encounter any difficulties or if there have been changes to the process, it's recommended to consult

Logging Out of Exodus:

  1. Open the Exodus Wallet: Launch the Exodus wallet application on your computer. Ensure that you are using the device where Exodus is installed.

  2. Access Wallet Settings: In most cryptocurrency wallets, including Exodus, the option to log out or access settings is often located in a menu or toolbar within the application. Look for a settings icon or a menu that provides access to various wallet functions.

  3. Navigate to Security or Account Settings: Once in the settings menu, look for options related to security or your account. The log-out functionality is commonly found in these sections.

  4. Find the Log Out Option: Within the security or account settings, you should find an option to log out or sign out. This option may be labeled as "Log Out," "Sign Out," or something similar.

  5. Confirm Log Out: Click on the log-out option, and the wallet will likely prompt you to confirm that you want to log out. Confirm the action, and the wallet will log you out, terminating your current session.

  6. Close the Exodus Application: After logging out, it's a good practice to close the Exodus application completely. This ensures that your wallet is no longer active on your computer.

Important Note: Keep in mind that the exact steps may vary based on the version of the Exodus wallet you are using. Additionally, Exodus may have updated its user interface or introduced new features since my last update. If you encounter any difficulties or if there have been changes to the process, it's recommended to consult the official Exodus documentation or contact their support for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Remember that maintaining the security of your wallet is crucial. Always log out when you are finished using your wallet, especially if you are on a shared computer. Additionally, make sure to keep your login credentials and recovery phrase secure to prevent unauthorized access to your funds.

Last updated